Roofing Maintenance & Restoration

Take care of your roof & it will take care of you!
We call roof maintenance program a roof tune up. Basically, it’s just like getting a tune up on your car. We inspect your roof and caulk, replace, and make any necessary repairs for minor problems as needed. Yearly maintenance can extend the life of your roof for many years, just like a tune up for your car.
We suggest a yearly inspection and tune up, especially for the older roofs.
Moss removal has been become an issue with insurance companies. After 40 years of roofing we have yet to replace or repar a roof with actual moss damage. However, if it is an issue we can remove it carefully without spraying any form of chemical on your roof.
Removal of organic debris on your roof is always available as needed.
Roof restoration is typically done for existing commercial flat roofing systems where re-roofing is not practical due to roof top equipment and ducting. It involves the use of our liquid rubber roof coating system from Iron Sentry. Most residential roofing systems are not candidates for this program.